Good advice: BACKUP YOUR DATA, sooner rather than later.

Everyone always says, ‘keep your data backed up.’ Not many people actually do. We’ve been having a high number of customers come to us with hard drive problems recently. If they’re lucky we’ve been able to retrieve their data (fortunately, this was the case most of the time)…in other cases, documents, music and photos are lost forever…save for very expensive specialist data recovery often costing the best part of a few hundred pounds. We recommend backing up your files to an external hard drive or USB stick, and additionally backing up up your photos to DVD. A few DVDs and a couple of hours will probably be all you need. This way your priceless photos will be on your computer, removable drive and DVD. You can never have enough sets of backup considering the cheap cost of external HDs and DVD disks being so low. Please backup now! – If you don’t know how and want a lesson or use to do it for you, please get in touch.

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