Work we’ve done for businesses

Flyers (click to enlarge)

Computer Work

Server crashThe story:

  • Company had server with bespoke appointment and billing program installed serving several of other computers in the building.
  • Server crashed Monday morning. Complete hard drive failure. Important to get system working again for Tuesday.
  • Work required reinstalling Windows, updating, re-configuring the network, installing programs etc; and
  • Then working with the remote backup team to get backups from the cloud to bring the system to full working order again.
  • System was up and running before Tuesday morning was out (delays due to remote backup team’s working hours and slow transfer of data to us).

Mailing list setupThe story:

  • A local organisation needed to keep local people update to date with news and important announcements.
  • Current system of copying and pasting email address from a text document was hardly ideal.
  • Setup and trained using a mailing list system. Now well presented email can be sent out with ease.


Club promotion –

Holistic therapy –

Sports coaching –

Neighbourhood Development Plan –

Pest Control –

Website design –

Bed and breakfast –